Woe to them if released

Published on April 5th, 2011

It's been a while that I respected agency of the Sensorial Surroundings was invited to a brainstorming session in Steinhausen, Switzerland on the launch of the Nokia N8 Mobile Zone. We should knobelten from a viral campaign to test, in which three crazed Finns the N8 through its paces. The disadvantage with this type of brainstorming-Only Jobs: We know not when and by whom the ideas are translated and published, if there is not even a shift in the dates or reduce the budget even if the ideas do somewhere in a desk drawer decay and disappear. So I was glad later, despite 100 years still perceived as a steak, when I finished the web clips "Hullukolme" (The Crazy Three) discovered in the network. And added: a few swings with pride that some very inappropriate and deviant ideas from my pear wiedermal survived the final acceptance by the customer ;-) Here are a few clips - Who needs more: on Youtube for "Hullukolme» search - the girls do not have any mobile phone and got every mp3 player ... he he

In phase 1, the three girls as cult Finnish trio has been established, which is known for its outrageous tests to become known beyond the borders

In Phase 2 Mobile Zone took this cult trio to Switzerland to the N8 through its paces to examine

And what is your opinion?

Each (r), leaving the (of) a comment is in heaven. Ehrlich.